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![]() WwF Raw Is War- 4/23/01
E & C came out and interrupted Kane and The Undertaker and said they wanted 2 fight em so they went at it. Then Stonecold and HHH attacked Kane and Undertaker from behind and then brought in the steel chairs only 2 hit em wit it.
Rhyno retained his title over Spike Dudley cuz X-Factor interferred and cost Spike the match. After the match the Dudleys hit 3-d on Justin Credible.
Keinte won against the RTC wit no outside help whatever.
Backstage: Big Show was at Mr. Mcmahon's office while Test was congratulating Jeff for twist of fating Stephanie a couple of weeks ago when the Big Show told Mr. Mcmahon dat Test will pay.The Undertaker and Kane were pissed off dat Sonecold and HHH attacked em while they were fighting E & C adn wanted 2 get revenge on em.
HHH and Stonecold came out but then the Hardy Boyz came out along wit Kane and Undertaker but Stonecold and HHH ran out of the ring.
Mick Foley visited WWF New York Mick Foley. He pulled out a contract dat said he can make a main event for any Raw. He choose 2night and made a 4 man tag team. pinning Kane- Undertaker- Hardy Boyz VS. HHH- Stonecold- E & C.
Chris Beonit and Chris Jericho won in a tag team submission match against William Regal and Kurt Angle cuz Regal tapped out when Benoit put his Crippler Crossface on him.
Big Show won by DQ over Test cuz when the Big Show was about 2 chokeslam Test Shane came out and nailed him wit a chari right in the back then Test sent the Big Show flying over the ropes wit a big boot.
Backstage: Vince was looking for Shane when he saw Trish and set her up in a match wit Ivory and if she lost she would become a new RTC memeber.
The Radiculz won over Raven, Steve Blackman, and Grand masta cuz Eddy rolled up Raven for the win.
Trish Stratus won over Ivory so the RTC losing streak still continues after another week.
In the main event Kane- Undertaker- Hardy Boyz took on HHH- Stonecold- E & C. Matt was ready 2 pin HHH but Stonecold came out of nowhere and stunned matt and then HHH pinned him for the easy cover then running out of the ring wit he titles held ova thier head Raw went off the air.
![]() WwF SMacKdOwN-4/26/01
Smackdown started wit Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit Vs. William Regal and Kurt Angle and it was a Duches of Queensberry tag match. Regal and Angle won wit a double submission and it was legal under the Duches of Queensberry rules.
Backstage: Mr. Mcmahon told Austin and HHH dat Kane would have a handicap match 2night facing E & C and Undertaker would have a match pinning him and 4 RTC members and Austin and HHH would have a tag team match but Austin and HHH didnt know who thier opponents r and if Undertaker intefers in Kane's match then only the Tag belts will be on the line at Backlash and same thing if Kane interfers in Undertaker's match.
Matt Hardy won the European Championship ova Eddy Guerrero.
Backstage: E & C entered the commissioner's office and ask Regal what would they get out of being in a handicap match wit Kane. Regal said dat Eddy wants a European shot and so did Raven. So Christian said dat Raven can have a Hardcore shot at Rhyno or Test and then it will be Christian-Eddy- and Matt in a triple threat match for the European Title. Then Austin-HHH- and Stephanie told Debra 2 get m cofee.
In the Handicap match Kane won ova E & C from DQ cuz they hit the Con-chair-to 2 Kane right in his arm.
Backstage: Debra brought the cofee 2 every1 but she spilled cofee on Austin and he then yelled at her and told her 2 get in the truck and wait for me there.
Rhyno retained his Hardcore Belt ova Test cuz Big Show interferred and cost him the title and afta he chokeslammed Test through about 10 wood pieces.
X-factor was bragging until the Dudleys shut them up by beating the hell out of em and ending the battle wit a 3-D on X-pac.
Undertaker took on The RTC and won cuz Val, Bull, and Goodfather left Steven alone in the ring and let him get taken for the Last Ride and get pinned.
Regal told HHH and Austin who their oponents where cuz they demanded and then they said dat Stephanie should stay behind cuz it will be 2 dangerous for her 2 be out there.
Backstage: Shane told a fairy tail " Shane and the Beanstalk" the tail was about the history between the 2 and how Shane was gonna kick the Big Show's ass at Backlash.
HHH and Austin came out and then Keinte came out and dats who their oppenents where. Then Keinte started talking and talking crap. Then they said dat i c 2 dead man walking and Funaki said indeed but it wasnt in their voices but in Kane's and Undertaker's! Then shortly after the amtch started Kane and the Undertaker came from the crowd and opened up a can on HHH and Stonecold!
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